Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year everyone, to all our family and friends. We joined in the New Years party at the Lodge here in the park.
It was a great evening with all the people we have met here in the resort from all over the country. We played Trivia and lost by 1 point for a sampler party tray for the table, what a lot of fun. Lots of people got up to sing Karaoke all of them were really good. Around 11:30  we left the party to an RV with a fire outside and a T.V. where we watched the ball fall in New York. There were about 15 of us what a beautiful evening, we stayed till 1 and then headed for home. A real nice time and lots of memories in bringing in 2017.
Hear are a few pictures of the party hope you enjoy them.

I also took a picture of a oak tree to give you a perspective of how large these trees are.

We found a special postcard for all of you at home, and we leave you with a look at YOU and Me. (click to enlarge)
Hope all is well, Take care everyone
Gord , Jane and Ginger

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