Saturday, January 7, 2017


Hi everyone, we are on the road again, we left yesterday from the R.V. resort that we were staying at for Christmas and New Years. It was hard to leave all the new friends we have gotten to know briefly.
But when you see them every day and party with them you get  to know they are great people and we will miss them. When it was time to leave everyone came down to wish us safe travels and said the park will not be the same, without the social butterfly Gordon. Checkout time was 11 and we did not leave till 1:30 because they were all coming to say goodbye. It was a great month and we invited all our new friends to visit us in Winnipeg.
We arrived in Gainesville Florida late afternoon and decided to spend the night hear, we try not to travel after dark. We like to see the open road when we motor on down the highway.
I have a couple of pictures, there will be more to come in the next few days.
Take care everyone
Gord,Jane and Ginger

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