Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hollywood Fla. and GulfStream Casino

Our other new home.....
Entering another beach...
Driving south to the island
Waiting while the draw bridge opens (now) and A1A.. over the inner coastal waters
Driving South on A1A
Looking South while driving over the draw bridge..
Driving through a tunnel...
Looking for money exchange....
No luck yet....
Entering another
The streets and shops on the GulfStream property..
This is where the horse are shown before the races for betting...
This is all on the casino property...
Another view...
Huge screen where the races are shown if your outside..
Another view outside...
The race track...
No wonder the horses were not running....there frozen.
Other direction...
Oh oh shopping again....
More shopping at Charming
I need a break .....all on the same property
I must of made a wrong turn.....

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