Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Hello everyone, on  the 24th we were in Live Oak doing last minute shopping before Christmas. We stopped at Pizza Hut for lunch buffet $4.99...really good.

I took a few pictures, of the beautiful buildings in Live Oak, they sure are nice looking, these 2 pictures are of the court house and the large clock at the top.

Pictures of our motor home and Ginger, and check out the Trump Pense sign Gordon picked up from a neighbor.

Gordon and I are on our way to Christmas dinner at the lodge. It is a Pot luck dinner everyone brought something.

Here is the dessert table really good lots of my favorites, cheesecake, pies, cookies, cakes I had to try it all.

And this is the food table,meatballs,all kinds of salads,vegetables,devilled eggs,cranberry sauce,turkey,dressing,it was a great dinner

Lots of people in the line up.....CLICK ON PIC'S TO ENLARGE.
As we were standing in line I took a picture from the lodge overlooking the back towards the river.

We met some new people from Ottawa, Nancy and Mike they came back to our Motor home after the dinner and we sat and had a few drinks and enjoyed the beautiful sunset.

All in all Christmas was a really nice day met some new people, had a great dinner, watched a beautiful sunset. I missed all our dear family and friends, I hope you all had a great Christmas day.
Jane and Gordon and Ginger
Love to all

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