Monday, December 5, 2016

Good evening this picture is our last evening on the Walmart parking lot looking at the beautiful sunset in Panama Beach.
Gord was in Walmart buying milk he had to show you how cheap it was.

This morning we unhooked our little Tow car and decided to get our feet wet in the ocean it was very foggy this morning, so I did not get any good pictures. Finally after a bit , the fog lifted enough for me to get a couple pictures before we left.
We drove threw a couple of shopping mall streets really unique way to shop.

Then we stopped at Burger King for 89 cent pancakes and a Coffee they were good.
 89 cents Henry.....duzha doobra

I took a picture of this building built upside down really cool, check out the palm trees at the top.

The ship you see in this picture is a shopping place really cool as well.

Check out this really nice dog walk in front of  Walmart parking lot.

All of these pictures are in Panama beach Frontage road, you can walk every where here.
We are finally on the road and heading to Tallahassee Florida. Hear are a few pictures of some of the places we passed on our way to Tallahassee.

               Hope you enjoy them, bye for now talk soon.
Jane and Gordon
and Ginger

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