Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Hello everyone, on  the 24th we were in Live Oak doing last minute shopping before Christmas. We stopped at Pizza Hut for lunch buffet $4.99...really good.

I took a few pictures, of the beautiful buildings in Live Oak, they sure are nice looking, these 2 pictures are of the court house and the large clock at the top.

Pictures of our motor home and Ginger, and check out the Trump Pense sign Gordon picked up from a neighbor.

Gordon and I are on our way to Christmas dinner at the lodge. It is a Pot luck dinner everyone brought something.

Here is the dessert table really good lots of my favorites, cheesecake, pies, cookies, cakes I had to try it all.

And this is the food table,meatballs,all kinds of salads,vegetables,devilled eggs,cranberry sauce,turkey,dressing,it was a great dinner

Lots of people in the line up.....CLICK ON PIC'S TO ENLARGE.
As we were standing in line I took a picture from the lodge overlooking the back towards the river.

We met some new people from Ottawa, Nancy and Mike they came back to our Motor home after the dinner and we sat and had a few drinks and enjoyed the beautiful sunset.

All in all Christmas was a really nice day met some new people, had a great dinner, watched a beautiful sunset. I missed all our dear family and friends, I hope you all had a great Christmas day.
Jane and Gordon and Ginger
Love to all

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all our family and dear friends, and Alec. This may be our last post untill after Christmas. I wanted to share a few pictures of this really nice park that we are staying in until Jan, 6.

As you drive up to the office they have a Nativity scene with a little water fall behined it, and at night it is lit with lights.
Then you keep going up to the office and we see Gordon and Ginger at the Park sign before the office, the Lodge and restaurent in behind over looking the river. This is where we will be having our Christmas Dinner on Sunday, with the people in the Park.

Down by the river Ginger and I are standing next to the sign leading from the river to the Lodge.

This is a nother picture of the grounds around the back of the Lodge.

Here I am walking back from the lodge and Office to the pool area.

This is the first Hot tub area, this is early morning so there is no one in the tub.

This is the pool area really nice with all the palm trees and shrubs.

And the 2nd Hot tub hard, to see behind the trees but nice and secluded.

Gordon and Ginger with the RV Park in behind .

When we got back to our motorhome I made breakfast , then Gordon decided to wax the Bus, and incase you did not notice Gordon aquired a Trump and Pense sign and put it beside our Motorhome. Most of all the people in this park have these signs in front of there units.

Another beautiful day, another sunset, here in the Park. Have a great Christmas everyone, I actually miss the snow for Christmas. That may sound crazy, but I love Christmas and the moon glisting on the snow. Well I will say goodbye for now, take care everyone.
Gordon, Jane and Ginger.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

     "HI to Rick and Maria Saydak" & "Tim & Anita Mitchell"
                              Thanks for the comments!.....sorry!

Hi everyone had a great weekend, we took a ride into Live Oak City for the afternoon. We did a little shopping and then went for Lunch.

The weather was warm 80 degrees, we went in to lunch to the Big Wood BBQ and smokehouse. It was really good . 
And of course my Hubby made a new friend with the waitress, really nice young girl, Miss Morgan.

We had to take down the convertible top after lunch, and continued our shopping.

After one of our stops in town we spotted this beautiful tree decorated and thought we would take a picture for you. It felt odd to have green grass and no snow.

When it was time to come home as it was getting dusk the Christmas lights came on and they looked really nice all the way down the main drag.

The house I took a picture of are all down the the highway really nice properties. 

When we got back to the Motorhome we had to go to Saturday night Karaoke at the lodge, the stage had a mascot Charlie. He stayed their most of the evening.

One of our Canadian friends from P.E.I. Mike, he was singing and he was really good.

The people here in this picture on the right are 4 people from P.E.I., on the left Joyce from Ohio and the owner Susie beside Gord. We played Trivia in between the Karaoke.
Saturday was a very busy day, Sunday was very humid and hot, did not do to much temperature reached 84.
Well I will let you  go for now and have a great week 
Jane Gord And Ginger

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

 Hi everyone sorry for not being a little faster at updating the Blog. We have been very busy, hard to believe but we have. 
Each morning we have our morning cup of coffee, have breakfast and then check our e-mails. Then plan our day.

Here is a picture of our little tree for Christmas and a couple of strings of Garland to make the Motor home festive.

This is what we see out front each morning beautiful sunny and warm days.
The R.V. park here is really nice and starting to fill up, we were lucky to get a spot for the month.

Our first Friday here at the park our neighbours Kathy and husband Fred, down the road invited us to go to bingo. We left at 5 o'clock had a little something to eat from the restaurant. Then we ordered a Banana split,and Gordon and I split it.We played Bingo at seven, Gordon won the first game with  another person.And I won the third game the winnings payed for the dinner and the cards. We had a great time.
Saturday morning we drove in to Live Oak, the city is 22 miles from the park, we did some shopping and on the way home I caught this beautiful sunset. 
On Saturday evening at 7 they have Karaoke night, and Trivia so we spent the evening in the Lodge with Kathy and Fred. Really nice evening. Trivia questions were a lot of fun.

Gordon caught Ginger and I still sleeping, check out the room Ginger leaves me to sleep.

Beautiful morning Gordon sitting outside having his morning coffee.

We have been here just about ten days and the time is going by so fast, soon it will be Christmas, it is hard to feel festive without the snow it is not the same. 
This evening we were invited for Happy Hour down at Kathy and Freds. We enjoyed a couple of drinks and finger food. A really nice evening, the neighbours next to her joined us, Marie and Mike.

Well we will let you  go for now, stay warm everyone miss you all.
Gordon Jane and Ginger.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Good evening this picture is our last evening on the Walmart parking lot looking at the beautiful sunset in Panama Beach.
Gord was in Walmart buying milk he had to show you how cheap it was.

This morning we unhooked our little Tow car and decided to get our feet wet in the ocean it was very foggy this morning, so I did not get any good pictures. Finally after a bit , the fog lifted enough for me to get a couple pictures before we left.
We drove threw a couple of shopping mall streets really unique way to shop.

Then we stopped at Burger King for 89 cent pancakes and a Coffee they were good.
 89 cents Henry.....duzha doobra

I took a picture of this building built upside down really cool, check out the palm trees at the top.

The ship you see in this picture is a shopping place really cool as well.

Check out this really nice dog walk in front of  Walmart parking lot.

All of these pictures are in Panama beach Frontage road, you can walk every where here.
We are finally on the road and heading to Tallahassee Florida. Hear are a few pictures of some of the places we passed on our way to Tallahassee.

               Hope you enjoy them, bye for now talk soon.
Jane and Gordon
and Ginger